Who we are

Marie Worthington


About me:

I’m a single mum of two teenage boys and own a Staffordshire Terrier named Oscar and a Heinz 57 rescue from Macedonia called Livvy.

In September 2018 I started a petition to have the Guidance Notes accompanying the new Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities) Legislation 2018 reviewed by Parliament. Since then a campaign took off which ended with a sit down meeting with DEFRA. Along the way it became clear that there was no one representing the voice of home boarders and day carers, so the Association of Dog Boarders was born.

I’ve been home boarding and day caring for several years and I walked dogs prior to expanding the business. I’ve a history of working in primary schools teaching the new Computing curriculum and looking after their network’s and websites. I sat on the committee board at my local Sea Cadets and was responsible for fundraising and marketing.

My vision for the Association:

I would like to grow and build the association into a recognised name for our industry. I’d like us to negotiate sensible and workable laws for those of us working in our industry. I’d very much like to bring in new businesses starting out to support and mentor them.

Jo Hill


About me:

Having been a recruiter for 20 years, I now run my own recruitment consultancy and have a wealth of experience in dealing with people from all walks of life and all levels of seniority, from shop floor operatives to CEO’s of multinational organisations. My communication, negotiation, relationship management, administration, organisational and reporting skills are all necessary and relevant to the efficient running of the Association.

My vision for the Association:

To become the nationally recognised official voice of home boarders and daycarers throughout the UK. Home boarding and home daycare is a relatively new concept but is fast becoming the number 1 choice for pet owners when deciding how they want their pets to be cared for. As an industry we need to be heard by Government and be able to have an input into any changes in legislation